Friday, May 21, 2010

Women Are Salesaholics

I often wonder what goes through the mind of women as they frantically go from store to store inside shopping centers in this self possessed euphoric state. If any male has been shopping with a women you know what I'm talking about, the endurance, fitness, patience and mental fortitude required to keep up is of Olympic caliber.

The question I and I'm sure many other males have asked themselves is why do they do this? The answer often given is simply that women love clothes shopping and of course love clothes shopping when there are sales.

I've once been told by a women that the rush and high she feels from finding the item she wanted on sale can be just as exhilarating and gratifying as any substance or sexual experience she'll ever use or have, to me this seems absurd because I'll take a nice cold beer over finding a couple of shirts on sale any day, but I'm not a women.

All this begs the question, have women always been this addicted to shopping and more importantly have they always been addicted to shopping for sales. Has the time come to categorize these women as Salesaholics, I think so.

Mark Couzian


  1. Interesting concept, though I think there are some men out there who get a similar rush, but just don't express it the way a woman will.

  2. MMM... It happens to me ! Maybe often. I love great sales... love to share with my girlfriends when the deal was too good to be true. Great Concept.


    Marjorie xoxo
